Baby F
Baby F’s moms might not remember this, but I met them LONG before they got married. One of them is my dear friend/neighbor’s sister, and she introduced them to me when they were out for a walk.
We’ve kept in touch since then, and I loved peeping their wedding photos by my dear friend Amy Ann!
Photo Credit: Amy Ann Photo
Just over 3 years later…baby made three! They are all so stinkin cute. And as you’ll see in a minute, baby Lennon is still making that same face.
Photo credit: Amy Ann Photography
“Mama” and “Ima” knew they wanted to have a naming ceremony for this little cutie, and they called me back when she was still waking them up every two hours to eat. You know how this story goes, though - COVID happened, and indoor events where people breathe all over vulnerable newborns were just not happening.
No problem. As the Delta wave started to die down, Mel and Jamie planned a beautiful outdoor birthday bash for their sweet girl - and decided it would be a perfect time to give her a Hebrew name!
Life is hectic, and they told me they trusted me to plan a ceremony that was meaningful as well as short and sweet. Done and done!
Standing under the chuppah frame her moms used at their wedding, Mel and Jamie wrapped their little one in the tallit they had been married beneath. Lennon’s grandparents recited the blessing over wine, and shared a customary drop with the baby.
(See? There’s that face again.)
I helped Mama and Ima recite the traditional blessings for bringing a child into the covenant of the Jewish people, then chanted a traditional Hebrew blessing to place Lennon under the same protection as all of her incredibly strong female ancestors stretching back generations, and to officially name her.
Finally, her moms shared her Hebrew name, in memory of both her great-grandfathers, and the story behind it. (This got a few tears from her grandparents.) She is named for one of the first-ever examples of civil disobedience in recorded history; Puah, an Egyptian midwife who stood up to save Hebrew children against Pharoah’s orders. Pretty cool.
I created this custom naming certificate for Baby F’s family to cherish, and to keep record of her Hebrew name for the future.